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Do you want to take care of your students mental well-being? Help teach them tools to harness their love of performing and use it as a transferrable skill?


Well-being Workshops for kids who love to perform might be the right fit for your performing arts school.

The KIDS POWER HOUR workshop is about reminding your students that no matter what life throws at you “YOU GOT THIS” and have all the powers within.


We explore all the things that make us unique to remind ourselves that we’re awesome.

We learn about nerves and our fight/flight/freeze mode also known as the 'Superhero' button.

We learn about how to identify our basic emotions as a human and performer and how to process them.

And we also learn some useful tools for boosting confidence and accepting our nerves, so we can feel the fear and do it anyway.

I cannot wait to work with more young performers and start the process of personal development for them at an early age.


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